My Function Health Experience
This is not a sponsored post. This post is not paid for by Function Health and is my honest opinion and recommendation based on my personal experience. Below I have included a referral link that does earn me a bonus if you sign up under my link. This is offered to anyone who joins Function Health and will help support what I do here at Saving Joyfully. You can be certain that I will only recommend products that I myself use and believe in.
My Function Health Experience
Over the past year I began having significant health issues out of nowhere. My body seemed to change drastically overnight in the spring of 2025. At first, I was fearful with all of the various symptoms that I had even to the point of having panic attacks. I have since received a diagnosis which took nearly a year, seeing a functional medicine doctor and paying out of pocket for testing not covered by insurance. I will save that story for another day though because today I wanted to share how I recommend this great company function health.
What is Function Health?
I learned all about Function Health while scrolling on Facebook one day. I believe it was recommended to me based on some of my current interests related to improving my health combined with recent health related online searches. When I started to look into Function Health I was really intrigued at the possibility to without a physician or Insurance company approval be able to have lab tests performed by my choosing. Why did this idea intrigue me so? Sadly because of recent negative experiences in getting a diagnosis for current health issues I have been having. I had three ER visits, a visit to my primary care doctor and to multiple specialists. With all of these visits I paid out thousands of dollars only to hear we aren’t sure but it’s probably migraines. This is why the ability to test labs at my own will, pay out of pocket and take back my own healthcare was exactly what I was looking for right now.
How Does Function Health Work?
Function Health is not covered by your health insurance plan but can be covered under certain healthcare flexible spending plans. For me I was able to have this testing done in January 2025 and get it completely covered by my healthcare flexible spending plan. The cost of $499 seems like a lot of money upfront but is worthwhile in my opinion they test over 100 biomarkers and will retest another time during that 12 month period. I have already scheduled a follow up lab testing for June 2025 and I am looking forward to seeing if I can lower some of my labs to a better level.
What Did I Learn from My Function Health Lab Work?
Since the desired outcome for me was an overall look at my lab work tested to help determine what some of the symptoms, I have been having are coming from I was not disappointed. I received a great broad range of tests for multiple areas of my health from Liver, Kidney, Heart, Autoimmunity, nutrients, etc. The overall picture was far better than I had expected however I definitely had some areas to work on. Below are some examples of the out-of-range lab testing that came back from my Function Health labs. The great part for me was I was able to share the results with my functional medicine doctor that I visited after having the labs done. I was able to upload the results to her portal so she could view them prior to my appointment. As I had unanswered questions regarding neurological symptoms I had been experiencing since May 2024 I wanted a better overall picture of my health and this really helped me see that I could confidently see what the issue is not.
As you can see, I had various out-of-range labs that came back including one that indicates potential liver issues, some cholesterol testing & a higher than desire Hemoglobin A1C which can indicate prediabetes. Diabetes, cholesterol issues & Liver problems all are things I am genetically predisposed to so they should not surprise me. However despite the many lab tests I had done this year I had not received any of these before and would not have known otherwise. The low Omega 3 was also helpful as it gave me an area nutritionally to focus on. I know I am not coming even close to where I should be with Omega 3 now so I started implementing some changes that can increase this in my daily diet. I have since added in organic flax seed, more pasture raised eggs high in omega 3 & some fish oil that can help increase the omega 3 in my diet. Surprisingly I have noticed a difference since doing that especially in my blood pressures.
What Sort of Insights Did Function Health Provide Based On My Lab Results?
Function Health gives some pretty helpful insight after a physician review of your lab results. For me the recommendations took into account my out-of-range lab work as well as my current health conditions. I really like that they give you recommendations on vitamins and supplements as well as foods to begin adding to my diet. Since I received the information and started implementing the recommendations I have had some health improvements. My blood pressure has come down very well by adding in the COQ10 & increasing my Omega 3’s. I have been able to come off of my blood pressure medications and have been doing so well off of them which I have not been able to do now for years. To do this I began to implement some of the recommendations from Function health such as adding specific foods and supplements to my diet. These really helped tremendously and have actually caused my blood pressures to be manageable without medication. I recommend discussing any changes to medications or supplements like this with your healthcare provider before making changes on your own.
Here are some of the personal recommendations provided to me by the function health provider who reviewed my lab work, and the information provided.
Top 5 foods recommended for my out-of-range lab work and current health issues
Top 5 supplements recommended for my out-of-range lab work and current health issues
Clinician Insights for my out-of-range lab work and current health issues
How Did These Insights Help Change My Health Overall?
As I began to add some of the recommended foods and supplements to my diet, I noticed a decrease in blood pressure and an increase in overall energy. I began to focus on my health more in the areas that really matter based on the insights that they provided. I had heard good things about COQ10 for blood pressure but was hesitant to try this on my own because I was not sure if it was suitable for me with my current health issues. I had never tried Alpha Lipoic Acid or Omega 3s on my own before either and had to do a bit of research to understand how they would help me. Once I added all three of these into my daily routine I began to notice some positive results.
Why I Recommend Others Should Try Function Health?
The cost of over 100 labs that are done by Function Health is incredible. $499 may seem like a lot of money but it would be nearly impossible with a typical insurance plan to get this sort of pricing for 100 labs. In general, a handful of these labs with your insurance plan would cost far more to have them done every year.
The insight from someone on what supplements to take and foods to include in your diet is so very helpful. To get that sort of tailored recommendation from a natural health provider, dietician or functional medicine doctor would cost a lot more.
I especially recommend that if you are struggling to get a diagnosis and cannot get to the root of your health issues Function Health is a great start to taking control of your own health. This simple tool can provide insight and actual labs that can assist your physician and you in a proper diagnosis or treatment plan. Without the right diagnosis many insurance companies will refuse to cover these labs, and many doctors will not even see a need to order them. When you get these done with Function Health you do not need their permission to do so.
I found that my Function Health Labs were covered by my Healthcare FSA under WageWorks. This was a huge benefit to me because I know that I can now set aside funds pretax each year to use Function Health for myself and my spouse. I plan to use this year after year now because I believe that it is worth every penny.
I love that Function Health also gives me the option to add on additional lab panels I am interested in having done. I have my eye on a few that I may also add on in the future including the Galleri multi cancer detection test. It is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to test for over 5o types of cancer in one lab panel. For someone who has lost many loved ones to cancer in my lifetime I find this to be a very valuable tool.
I share my experience simply because I believe that my experience can help many to begin to takeback control of their health. I loved the experience and although I am not paid to share about this experience in any way by the company you can choose to support my blog by using my referral link which is provided to any who are existing customers. Your support using this link will help me to continue bring valuable content like this to you.
Here is my referral link
If you have any questions about my experience, I am always happy to help. Reach out by email with your questions to please put Function Health Question as your title so I can know to respond to your inquiries appropriately.