Impacting The World with Your Finances
Throughout the years I have written on my blog Saving Joyfully, I have spent a lot of time talking about making and saving money. However, as a Christian I now recognize the importance of giving in my life. The Lord has blessed me greatly in my life as I am sure many of you would agree He has done for you. He has blessed me to be able to do the work that He has called me to do to the best of my ability, to help support my family & to give to others what He has blessed me with in excess.
Living as Christians Who Give
Throughout my life I have strived to make money and save money while forgetting this important aspect we are also called to. I never realized during this period in my life how far my priorities were off until I began to draw closer to God. I began to read my bible more and recognize something that I was missing in my financial life. What was I missing? I was not tithing & sharing with others. It is easy to get caught up in the world of making and saving money and find yourself consumed with that constantly. This is not healthy because when that happens you actually risk allowing money to become an idol in your life. When the pursuit of anything takes precedence in your life over your relationship with God it can become an idol. When I began to recognize this, I recognized the need to repent and ask God for help. I recognized that while I loved teaching others how to make and save more money, I needed to make sure that I was teaching them something more important…. The necessity of putting Christ Jesus first in my life and sharing the abundance that He has blessed me with. So how do I do that in my life now and how can you learn to do the same.
How To Begin Impacting the World with Your Finances
This is not an exact formula to be followed but just some examples of what I found were important in my own life. I had to begin to change my heart and mind to begin to become a more giving person. A very important part of that happens when you choose to ask God for His leading as we give. This is important because we need His heart to replace our sinful desires that keep us selfish and focused on our own needs alone.
Before we can begin to impact the world around us with our giving, we should make sure our hearts are in the right place with God.
We may need to repent for any love of money in our lives and ask Him to lead us to give where He wants us to give.
Another important next step is remembering to Thank Him for all that He has blessed us with. I can honestly say despite not always being faithful to God or putting Him first He has always been faithful and supplied for all my needs and more. I have struggled and been behind on bills, but God has always provided what I needed just in time. Praise the Lord!
Give to the ministry of your local church. I believe in a 10% tithe as the bible teaches us as believers to give. I know that anytime you give to your church as God has instructed us to that you will be blessed in return. Whether that is in a monetary blessing or in some other way I believe that the Lord will always bless your joyful giving.
Determine what you can begin to give to fund the ministry organizations in your local community such as homeless shelters, food pantries, pregnancy centers, etc.
Give to missions. I recommend either giving directly to the church to support missions or to select a missionary family to begin supporting with a monthly gift. You will never regret the amount of money you choose to give to ministry and once again I know that the Lord will always bless you beyond what you give.
My Final Thoughts
Giving to others does not always have to be only financial giving either. You can choose to give of your time and resources as well to various ministries which allows for even more opportunities to give to others. Whatever way that you choose to give back to others remember why you give and who it is helping. Remember the toughest times in your own life and the people who helped make a difference in your life. There were undoubtedly many who selflessly gave and sacrificed in one area of your life or another just like they did in mine. I am so grateful for those who did at times in my life where things were tough and I struggled to make it on my own. Those who know and love the Lord will often be prompted to help others in times of need. I know the Lord has led me in similar situations to do so as He has many others. In the bible Jesus reminds us that what we do for others we also do for Him.
Matthew 25: 40 “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!
Always focus on impacting the world with your finances and you can trust that your finances will be abundantly blessed. Keep your heart free from the love of money and love God first and your neighbors (friends, family and community around you) second. Our love for Him above all else and our love for others are the most important commandments and will make the greatest impact we can ever make with our lives. Keep loving others and giving and watch God begin to impact the world with your finances.