whn your job steals your joy.png

“If each day is a gift, I’d like to know where I can return Mondays.” — John Wagner

Dealing with work stress? Have a bad day at work? We all have been there from time to time. We have had jobs that did not appreciate our hard work, demanded un-attainable results, overlooked us for promotions or even let us go after years of faithful service.

Having a job is truly a blessing in a world where many right now are without a job. Trying to remind yourself of this daily when your current job leaves you exhausted and frustrated is not always easy. Take heart my friends I have some encouragement for you today as you deal with your workplace frustration.

My recent experience with working from home

This past week was a tough one for me. I have been working from home since March and trying my best to adapt to this new lifestyle. Quite frankly I’m not sure if working from home is beneficial for me because I’m having a hard time separating work from my personal life.

Normally when something is stressing me out at work I find it hard to leave the stress at work. Currently, I am working from home so not only do I still struggle to leave stress at the office, but I honestly feel like I live at the office.

Taking Care Of Yourself Is So Important

Over the last month, I have noticed a lot of physical and emotional changes that seem to be related to my current lifestyle. I’m naturally an introvert but to be honest I think working around others is good for me. In working from home the only contact I am getting with others is by phone or chat and with close family. I notice my anxiety has increased as a result which is making it much harder to handle stress than ever.

All of these lifestyle changes have happened so quickly since March and have become a major struggle. We have been informed that working from home may become a permanent thing or at least be extended longer. As a result of everything, I decided that I need to develop a game plan to better manage my life. I want to take back my life and begin to thrive again. This past week the stress combined with some health issues landed me in the Emergency room. This was my wake-up call to start focusing on my health and not allow work stress to overwhelm me.

Taking Back Control Of My Life

  • Prioritize eating healthy

  • Exercise

  • Leave work stress and worries at the office

  • Start my day with prayer and reading a devotional

  • Unplug from social media more

  • Get outside more and get some sun and fresh air

  • focus on what I can control and recognize the difference

  • call my close friends or reach out just to chat

  • Write more because this is therapeutic for me

  • Get rest and make that a priority over other tasks

  • Take time off when I need it and not feel guilty about it

  • Nature Relaxation videos on YouTube ( these have become something I use while doing other tasks to help me de-stress)

Taking care of ourselves mentally and physically is one of the most important aspects of our lives. We cannot be productive and successful in life if we do not do this because eventually like me you will end up in the ER with health problems. Don’t ignore the most valuable thing in your life, your health. You can have all the money in the world but without your health that will not matter at all.

How to deal with a job that steals your Joy

  1. Your attitude - This can make or break any job or relationship. Having a positive attitude and willingness to work hard can make a huge difference in the outcome. In a toxic work environment, your attitude might not resolve the deep-seated issues but it might just help you cope and move on with your dignity and respect intact.

  2. Work ethic - A good work ethic despite the struggles that you are experiencing can make or break a job situation. When an employer knows they can trust your work ethic they will be more inclined to listen and respond to your frustrations. I cannot say this will always be the case because there are times where I have experienced the opposite as well.

  3. Always remain the same - No matter what you are dealing with in your current job resolve to not let the struggles alter your attitude. Remind yourself that remaining the same valued employee and maintaining the same work ethic is crucial to your reputation.

  4. Accepting constructive criticism - Learning to accept constructive criticism in the workplace is important. Learning to accept constructive criticism is an important factor in being able to succeed. Constructive criticism is often necessary because quite frankly we do not know everything. You must realize we all make mistakes and making one does not define you. Not learning from your mistakes and improving will leave you in a bad place. Choose to listen, learn, and move forward.

  5. Knowing when to walk away - understanding when it is right to walk away from a job and when it is best to stay. This is not an easy concept and requires a lot of critical thinking on your part. Valuing a good job is important and realizing the difference between a bad day or week and a bad job is important. Communication on the issues you are experiencing professionally is important. If your employer values you and your concerns, they will listen and help to resolve your issues. If you vocalize and communicate concerns and they do not care to listen or offer advice, this is a pretty good sign that it could be time to start looking.

Advice on handling workplace stress

  • “You can do anything but not everything.” - Kathy Freston

  • “Do not listen with the intent to reply. But listen with the intent to understand.” - Stephen R Covey

  • “You have to learn to say no without feeling guilty; setting healthy boundaries. Because some people can take advantage of you.” - Unknown

  • “Communication is what makes a team strong.” - Brian McLennan

  • “Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don’t give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm, and genuine people.” - Tina Desai

  • “Fear is a reaction and courage is a decision.” - Winston Churchill

  • "The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one." — Oscar Wilde

Not every day will be a good day at work. Recognize that you will have good and bad days and that you don’t have to be perfect. You will make mistakes... we all do. Be patient with yourself and learn to laugh a little, even if sometimes it has to be at yourself.

Some humor about work to make you laugh

  • “Some days, the best thing about the job is that the chair spins.”— Unknown

  • "I always try to go the extra mile at work, but my boss always finds me and brings me back."— Unknown

  • "Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work." — Robert Orben

  • "If you had to identify in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved and never will achieve its full potential, that word would be meetings." — Dave Barry

  • “Here’s to another day of outward smiles and inward screams.”— Unknown

  • “Don’t worry, better days are coming. They are called Friday, Saturday and Sunday.” – Unknown

  • “As I have gotten older and wiser, I discovered there are six things that I really loved about my job. Payday, lunchtime, quitting time, vacation time, holidays and of course, retirement.”— Tom Goins.

  • “My fondest childhood memory is not having to spend 40 hours a week with people who make me feel angry and tired so that I can afford to buy paper towels and laundry detergent.” — Unknown

Hope you enjoyed some workplace humor. Laughter is extremely important in managing a stressful and unpleasant situation. We cannot be perfect all the time or handle everything right every day. Give yourself some grace even when others don’t. Learn to laugh and move on and accept the challenge to improve yourself when you are faced with mistakes that you have made.


