
I am thrilled to announce that I was nominated by a fellow blogger for the Sunshine blogger award. This award is an award given by bloggers to bloggers to Inspire creativity and positivity in the blogging community. It is a great way to connect with each other and for me to introduce you to some of my own favorite blogs. One of my favorite blogs is actually I love the recipes she shares, because I love to cook and try new recipes. I have found her blog beneficial even as a young woman without children although I know her normal viewers are mostly women with young children.I started blogging on February 8th 2018, and have received quite an honor from a fellow blogger in my first month of blogging. I love what I am doing and I appreciate all of my friends and fellow bloggers who have helped bring me to the place I am today. Thank you to my new blogger friend  for being a great example in the blogging community, and for your nomination which is greatly appreciated.As a part of this award I have been given 11 questions to answer and then I will get to choose 11 of my favorite bloggers 11 questions to answer themselves. Now let’s move onto the fun part....

My 11 questions I have been given to answer are....

  1. Why did you start blogging? I love to write and I love to talk about great deals I find, as well as websites and companies I discover that can help others save money. I decided to try to reach out to a group of people who also love and appreciate what I do, and hopefully I can help them discover new ways to get ahead financially through my blog.

  2. What is your biggest challenge when it comes to blogging? Finding the time to invest in my blogging due to working a full time job, I do not have a lot of free time and this can really be a challenge sometimes. Thankfully I love what I do with my blog, and most days I cannot wait to get home to work on it more.

  3. What is the best thing that has happened to you so far this year? Starting my blog. I am so glad that I took the chance and started my blog this year, it has been the best Investment of my time in years. I have met so many great bloggers already in just a month and learned so much and have already connected with some of my readers personally. I love it!

  4. How do you balance blogging with the rest of your responsibilities? I work everyday and come home exhausted most nights so this is often challenging, but I have set a schedule more recently, to be able to accomplish more in the time I have. I usually blog Tuesday's and Thursday's, or Friday if I take the day off work and whenever I have a chance over the weekends. This helps to balance my personal life and my work life, and helps me balance the blog as well.

  5. What is your favorite children's book? why? The poky little puppy this was my favorite book as a child and it brings back happy memories. Corduroy takes a very close second for the same reason.

  6. What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend? Wake up without an alarm and have few cups of coffee made with my Nespresso which I love!

  7. What was your best vacation ever? Savannah Georgia or Jamaica both were very different though. Savannah was amazing the architecture, the people and the experience were like none I have ever had. On our trip to Jamaica, the ocean was amazing and the weather could not have been better. Jamaica was also for our honeymoon and we stayed at Sandals all inclusive resort which was an awesome experience I had never had before.

  8. What is your favorite recipe that everyone in your family loves? Chicken Piccata, I have a recipe for chicken piccata which I make often and my husband and I both love it. Chicken Paprika's would be a close second, this is an old family recipe from my Grandmother.  I do not make this recipe often because it takes a lot of time to make chicken Paprika's from scratch.

  9. What are you reading currently? Or what was the last book you read for yourself? Anxious for nothing by Max Lucado. Max is my very favorite author, in this book he touches on a subject that I deal with daily Anxiety and the best ways to cope with it.

  10. What was the last movie you saw? Celtic Thunder X, not exactly a movie, but it is the newest DVD put out by my favorite singing group. I love Celtic Thunder, the music they sing is beautiful and their voices are even more incredible and the talent the display is very diverse.

  11. What is your top goal for this year? To continue to grow my blog, and to bring you more helpful content. My goal is to help you learn to save more money, and make money in various ways throughout the year that will help make a difference in your financial life.

My Nominees are:

Your questions fellow bloggers are as follows....

  1. Why did you start blogging?

  2. What is your biggest challenge when it comes to blogging?

  3. What is the best thing that has happened to you so far this year?

  4. How do you balance blogging with the rest of your responsibilities?

  5. If You could travel anywhere you have never been where would it be?

  6. What is your favorite thing to do on vacation?

  7. Where did you go on your best vacation ever?

  8. What is your favorite food?

  9. Who or what is your Inspiration in blogging?

  10. What is your favorite movie?

  11. What do you do for a living or do you blog full time?


