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We are in the midst of a scary time right now for a lot of us. The fear of the unknown is very prevalent in our lives. We are now faced with the reality of an illness that has been spreading quickly across the world sickening many and even taking lives. Right now with the threat of Coronavirus which seems to be everywhere, our lives are really missing both hope and joy. You might be concerned right now about your health and the health of your loved ones. You might even be concerned about the current state of our economy or distressed by the stock market. I don’t want to downplay any of that today but what I want to do is offer you a challenge.

Join me in the spread hope challenge

What is my challenge for you today. The challenge is simple. Put down your phones or turn off the news. Change your perspective just a bit and your focus. The reality of where we are right now is not going to change without us being the change and being the hope. So spread hope my friends. Let’s start today. Reach out to someone else. I don’t mean physically but I mean with some encouragement. Let’s alter our focus from fear and panic to spreading hope to others.

Some ideas of ways that we can spread some hope

  • Send a simple message to let someone know you are thinking of them especially your elderly friends and family members

  • Offer help to someone else in need right now. Maybe you have an extra stockpile of something at home that you can share. Of course also be cautious about sharing germs as we all are focusing on right now.

  • Maybe you have extra food during these tough times that you can offer others. I recommend considering the spread of germs and if you choose to share food give unopened prepackaged food only and not homemade items.

  • Give to a charity. Homeless shelters, relief funds, etc. Charities will definitely need more funding than ever during a time like this.

  • Many will be hurting financially and if you have something to share I encourage you to do so even on a small scale.

  • Maybe the best way we can all spread hope is to just be kind to others on social media and decrease the negativity just a bit. I know you are concerned, everyone should be a little and should be preparing just in case. Fear however is holding us back from the joyful life that we are trying to live.

Can I alter my focus and find more joy right now?

Absolutely. I will give you just a few ideas that can help you get your mind off the inducing of panic being created by the media. These things can help turn your mind onto more hopeful things and away from the reality we are facing just for a little while.

  • Send a Facebook message to a friend or family member just to let them know you are thinking of them

  • Read an encouraging book

  • Challenge yourself to find an encouraging quote or bible verse everyday that inspires you to focus on a more hopeful future. Even better why not share it on your social media or message it to a friend.

  • Start a project and make something for someone else

  • Make plans for the future

  • If you are like me and you love to write or create I challenge you to create something positive and encouraging

  • Use this time to spend quality time with your family since you will most likely be spending more time at home

For the next few weeks when you are feeling worried or anxious consider these challenges. When we shift our focus off of ourselves and off of worrying we are more likely to live more joyful lives. I can’t say that living a more joyful life will keep you healthy but according to Harvard Medical school happiness seems to help keep us healthier overall.


