
I love to shop and although I love to shop I do not do a lot of it for these two reasons:

Reason #1: I am working on my goal of financial freedom

Financial freedom is something I want far more than any items I can purchase at the store. I was not always thinking this way and unfortunately that is a part of what led me down a path of debt and despair. Debt was accumulated by me often just by the simple act of ignoring my finances and shopping or should I say emotional spending. Emotional spending has always been something I struggle with due to stress, depression and even boredom. emotional spending can really take a toll on your finances and lead you further away from your goal of financial freedom if you let it.

Reason #2 shopping can be expensive and I usually end up regretting purchases

Why do I regret these purchases? I most often regret purchases when I realize that although I wanted the item and had the money for this item, I could have easily done without the item. Making sure that you do not regret purchases requires some self-restraint and time. I usually advise waiting on larger purchases for a while before making them and truly evaluating the need. Take this for example you want a new computer, before you go out and purchase a new computer evaluate the situation. Take some time to weigh things such as is this a need or a want? Do you need to replace it now or can it wait? Are there better places you can purchase a good quality item for less.

The biggest reason I choose to shop at thrift stores is because they have a lot to offer for a very low price. I would not typically shop for a computer at a thrift store, but you could be very surprised by what thrift stores do have to offer. I honestly use my local goodwill often and they have helped me tremendously over the years when I had very little money.


What I suggest shopping for at thrift stores clothing.... 

Thrift stores offer great clothing items for a really cheap price and often these clothes may even be donated brand new. I shop for the majority of my work clothing from goodwill including my blazer I use for job interviews, my work slacks and I have even bought work shoes there.

Prom dresses and formal wear.....

If you know a young girl heading to prom or homecoming that is looking for a dress. Check a local thrift store before spending big money somewhere else. Where do you think most of those used nearly new dresses end up after that one special night? Most of them are donated and sit on racks at thrift stores waiting for someone like you and I to be smart enough to come buy one.


Shoes can be an awesome saving at thrift stores and some shoes donated are obviously not worth purchasing others are definitely worthwhile and may be located brand new as well. I purchased a pair of Ecco shoes a few years back at my local good will almost new and spent $3 on these shoes. Those same shoes became my favorite work shoes and last 3 years, saving me on buying work shoes for all those years and all the money associated. I have to admit after finding these shoes and realizing the value of the shoes even buying them at other stores they are now my favorite go to shoes for work. I do look for sales before buying them or typically order them online but to find an amazing pair of comfortable work shoes at such a great price that last for 3 years is a great deal.


Do you love to read or do your kids love to read and you like to keep books on hand for them? Goodwill and other thrift stores offer great deals on books of all kinds usually under $2 a piece some even under $1. These books are usually lightly used and some may even be brand new and have just been donated. What is the difference between a used book and one you borrow from the library? Not much except you have to take the library book back and these books are yours to keep if you are looking to build up your home bookshelf.

Dishes and pans.....

Many thrift stores have great dishes and pans donated by people who saw no need for these items anymore or may have upgraded their current dishes. These are a huge savings and there is absolutely nothing wrong with shopping for these at thrift stores no one will even know.


Most thrift stores offer great deals on furniture that people have downsized or replaced. If you are just starting out a great place to get some furniture would be a thrift store such as goodwill or the habitat for humanity restore. Some might be very used and not what you are looking for and other times you can find some amazing high-end furniture with much less wear and tear.


You might think why would I buy collectibles anyways especially if I am trying to save money. I used to run an eBay store called vintage collectibles and treasures and I sold mostly items I had discovered at thrift stores. I would look up value of these great items online and often discover highly collectible hallmark ornaments and Disney collectibles etc that I could resell on eBay. My customers were happy since it was the item they were looking for and the quality was good and I made a great profit off of my excellent find. This is just one of the ways I have helped pay down my debt over the years.These are just a few of the items that I have purchased in the past that have been a huge savings for me at thrift stores. Remember status and pride will kill your dreams of financial freedom. Let go of the concept that thrift stores are all unwanted junk and realize that thrift stores actually have a lot of donated items from people like you and I. People who simply could not wear that size anymore or saw no need to keep the item, etc. It really is true that one might see the item as junk and another might find it to be a treasure.


