More Than Enough

For years, I tried to do everything on my own, failing every time. I struggled to save, develop a budget that would stick & spend less. Throughout this time I continued to struggle trying to do whatever I could to get ahead. The harder I struggled it didn’t seem to make a difference in the outcome or in my attitude towards it. Financial freedom and joy were always the goals and yet neither ever really seemed attainable. I always felt worthless since I could never seem to change my circumstances and I always wondered why I was not enough.

Realigning my financial priorities

One day I realized that the problem was not the effort that I was not putting in, my desire to reach my goals, or my luck, the problem was what I was placing my faith in (my abilities) and where my priorities were. Although I knew God, I was ignoring a few extremely important things that I should understand as a Christian. I knew that tithing and giving back to God were important but never realized how important they are to my financial success. I also never realized that there were many areas of my personal life that I had not yet surrendered to God. I would love to tell you that some big moment happened where my finances turned around magically and where my joy increased significantly. Both have happened through this experience and through my obedience but not quickly and suddenly. The moment I began to recognize these things however and realign my priorities was the moment that God began a transformation within me in other ways that led to great blessing in my life.

I am more than enough…….You are more than enough

I became a Christian as a teenager while attending a youth group at a local church. I found God at a critical time in my life where I was struggling hard to learn who I was and where I belonged in this world. I wanted to know that my life mattered, that someone cared and that life would not always be a struggle. I had known a lot of pain in my childhood and as a result, I had built walls mentally and emotionally to keep out those who could possibly hurt me. All I really wanted to know was that I was enough and that I could be loved and accepted. Everything I had searched for significance in had left me empty and still hurting. Nothing brought me the joy and self-worth that I craved and I felt empty and hopeless until I found God. On the day that I found God, I began the journey of realizing who I am and what I was made for and the journey has been amazing! God brought me the only true joy I have ever found in life, the only hope that I had known before and true love and acceptance that I never believed was possible. If you are also wondering if you are enough? Please keep reading because I can help you to realize what I found on that day. You are enough and your life matters! God made you for a reason and your life has a great purpose. Each of us is given free will in our lives, we can choose how to live our lives every single day we can choose to live for God or we can choose to walk away from Him. I will encourage you to walk towards Him, embrace a life of following Him and accept His presence and joy in your life. Learning to know God is where you will find that true Joy and discover the prosperous life that you are craving. God created us for a purpose to find life and joy in a relationship with Him and to share that gift with others. Your choice is whether to accept it and if you do how you will continue to live your life going forward.

Discovering that I have more than enough

As the years of financial struggles have come and gone there is one thing that I have learned repeatedly. When I trust God with my finances and allow Him to take control of my financial life I have more than enough. For years I fought this by continually not trusting Him enough to tithe and give back. I was wrong and I paid the price by a serious lack of blessings and peace in this area of my relationship with God. Then one day I started feeling convicted about my years of not tithing. I realized that in not tithing and giving back I was living in sin. You might think that is harsh but hear me out. God has blessed me and told me in the Bible to give 10 percent of what I make. I was ignoring the truth in the word that told me it is not only good to do so but the responsibility of believers to tithe. My reason for not doing so was even more sinful I wasn’t trusting God with my finances and believing that in my obedience to Him He will take care of me. For years I would hear people talk about tithing and giving back to God. It always seemed impossible and even ignorant for me to consider this concept. For a girl who couldn’t get her own financial life under control, this made no sense and seemed like it would set me back further than I was now. I ignored those who encouraged it, I ignored the messages given saying that God blesses those who give. when I finally realized that I was wrong and surrendered my finances to Him I began to see His many blessings all around me. Living in direct opposition to the life He had planned for me was hindering my growth as a Christian and keeping me from the many great things that He planned for my life. God’s provisions in my life have always been enough even in the worst times financially He has still given me more than enough. As I continue to surrender my finances and my life to Him I am amazed daily at His blessings in my life. He has great plans for my life and He has made that clear in every area of my life. Surrendering your finances to God and trusting in His faithfulness will lead you to a better place. All we have comes from God. He entrusts us with the things He has given us and expects us to use them wisely.

My life has changed and you will see that change

A few years ago when I started Saving Joyfully I was struggling in my life. I disliked my career, I felt like my debt was impossible to overcome and I lacked joy in almost every area of my life. 

 I had tried everything to pay down my debt and find freedom from the overwhelming burden. When I tried to focus on it I always felt like I took one step forward and ultimately ended up right back where I was before.

I couldn’t understand why I was feeling so defeated and why I could never ever change my financial situation. I realized many things along the way that have brought me comfort, hope, and joy on my financial journey. 

Throughout the years of struggle, I have discovered 

  1. Joy can be found even in the moments of financial strain and trials

  2. Money does not bring happiness, fulfillment, or contentment

  3. Faith, dedication, and mindfulness combined will yield the best results when tackling our financial lives

  4. Debt is only a powerful controlling master if we allow it to be

  5. Financial stability and prosperity come from God

  6. When we try to achieve this outside of a relationship with God we will fall short, we will struggle and we will not find the fulfillment we desire

  7. Commit your life and everything you do to God and watch your life be changed completely

    “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” - Proverbs 16: 3 NLT

His plans for your future and for your financial life

God doesn’t want us to be miserable and burdened by debt. That was never His plan for our lives and His plans are very much the opposite. He wants you to have freedom from this burden so that you can live joyfully. Saving Joyfully can help with tips, tricks, and ideas surrounding debt management and saving money. However, trusting God with your finances and giving control to Him is far more important. The real results will happen when you release control and seek Him in your struggles. 


