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You may be surprised to see this topic on a personal finance blog but to be honest it's extremely important in life, business and in your finances. Why even blog about it you may ask? Integrity is one of the things that I see as one of the most important and often overlooked characteristics of great leaders and business men and women. Integrity is a huge thing I see lacking in our society today, often it is seen as a sign of weakness. Let me tell you why I believe that this is both a misconception and a huge flaw in our society.

Do you want to trust a business you buy from? Do you want to trust the bank or company who deals with your finances? Of course you do because you would not do business with them willingly, if you did not hope and believe that they were trustworthy. Do these same companies always show you that they are trustworthy, or that they are worthy of your business? The answer is most likely no because we always find at least a few companies that disappoint us with bad policies, customer service or products. What happens when we experience these things in our life, especially related to business and our finances? We almost always take our business somewhere else and it usually leaves us feeling quite disinterested in doing business with that company in the future. This is just one example of the affect that a lack of integrity in business, either from bad employees or even from management, can leave a bad impression. Not all of these are situations of integrity alone, but a lot of them are from companies being dishonest about fees upfront or taking advantage of their customers or even their own employees.

Integrity in your finances and in life can be affected by your own actions or by the actions of others. Have you ever had a friend or family member borrow money or even another item and promise to give it back and never do it? How about a company offer an incentive if you make a sale or a promotion and never follow through? These are ways that integrity is lost in your relationships related to business and finance or even in financial situations among friends and family. My advice is so simple tell the truth and always be the kind of person you would like to do business with in life. In your relationships, business and finance you will gain much more success and contentment from a life of integrity. I'm not saying life will always be easy because that is not the case. It is easier however to not have to remember the dishonest story you told someone, or to experience the disappointment you have caused someone by your actions.

Always be the kind of person you would want to do business with, always be honest with your money and always be honest with your friends and family. Integrity is often the missing key to a more joyful and more abundant life. Do you want to see an increase in integrity in businesses and leadership or even in your personal relationships? If so my advice to you today is this, be the change that you are hoping to see in others and make a difference in this world starting with your own life and actions. Be the kind of person who displays integrity with their money, the job and the people you are closest too.

I have discovered recently a blogger who I have grown to respect and value his opinion through his work, his name is Darren Rowse and he is the blogger who created I recently heard him say " People do business with those they know, like and trust." I love this quote because it truly inspired me to consider this just in my own life with my current job and also with my blog I began in February. I want others to know that I am honest and real and that I value them and appreciate the time they have invested in me. To all of you who have invested even a small part of your time and life in reading and participating in my blog this is for you. I want to say thank you once again. Thank you for trusting me and giving me something priceless, your time.


