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One of Disney's newest movies is the heartwarming story of Christopher Robin. Christopher Robin is the young boy in the story of Winnie the Pooh. In this story it chronicles the life of Christopher Robin as an adult. This is sadly not the true story of Christopher Robin the son of A.A. Milne. It is however a great movie with some important and valuable life lessons that I would like to share with you today.There were so many important lessons to be learned from this new movie and I was completely shocked that it actually did inspire me as an adult, in more ways than one. The inspiration I took away from this movie included some important life lessons, that I believe many of us could apply to our lives everyday.

Some things in life are far more important than our jobs and careers...

Our families and friends and even our quality of life are far more important than deadlines and overtime. Our lives are far too short to spend every waking moment on work and goals to be achieved. These things are extremely important but I believe there is a time and place and these should not consume our lives. I am not the best at remembering this myself, but I was inspired to consider this more through the movie. A career is very important, but when your career is all consuming you may find that you are trading both your time and your happiness for a paycheck. Realizing this you must begin to ask yourself if it is really worth the cost to you to continue along this path. Sometimes it is necessary to set boundaries within your career and to say no when it may not be popular or easy.

Your family is more important than money and your career...

If your children or your spouse are coming in second to your goals and ambitions in life, may I suggest that your priorities may be all wrong. What means the most to you in your life? Is it money? Do you value your family and friendships and hold them in higher regard than your careers and goals? If not you will end up like Christopher Robin was in a good portion of the movie. Unhappy and working endless hours for a company that would quite simply replace you in a heartbeat. Discover what holds the most value to you in your life. Whatever that is for you in your life, I really hope it ultimately leads you to contentment and Joy. I hope that the most valuable things in your life are not things that they are the people you love.

Often doing something you enjoy or even doing nothing is valuable...

It is valuable to spend time doing what you love, enjoying your life here and now is so important. Working hard towards your own goals is important, but it can drain your Joy. Doing what you love and being with those that you love, has the power to refresh and inspire you! We all need more Joy in our lives and I am pretty sure for most people, being at work more does not lead to an increase in joy. You may love your job, but we need time to spend on the things we love and enjoy.  Like the joy I get from writing and creating this brings me joy in sharing what I have learned and what I love with others. If you do not have something you love to do that brings you joy, I challenge you to learn more about what you enjoy most in life. Then you can begin to set aside some time in your schedule to pursue your passions and discover the things that do add value to your life. Or if it happens to be doing absolutely nothing, by all means do a little more of that.Did you see the new Christopher Robin movie? What were your thoughts on the movie? Did you walk away as inspired as we did and if so what inspired you the most?


