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From the time that I was in my early twenties I have struggled to manage my finances. I have made pretty much all the wrong decisions and I am still cleaning up from some of the repercussions of my mistakes. This past year has been a year of finally feeling some relief and learning some important ways to help rebuild my financial life. For the first time since my early twenties I actually have no ongoing credit card debt and I finally have a savings account. Can I honestly say that I have discovered joy and contentment through having money? No. I can say that the lessons learned through my journey here have helped me to discover more contentment. This has come from the most unexpected lessons learned along my journey. I believe many of us never fully understand how to find contentment in life. In this post I will share with you what I have learned along the way and how it has changed my perspective.

What I have learned through financial struggles

Despite the many difficult times and the lack of money I have discovered you can choose to be content. I believe this to be an interesting twist on what I once believed led to joy. Throughout the many years of struggling with debt I have found that you can discover joy even when you have crushing debt. True joy in your financial life can only happen when you learn to be happy with nothing. Learn to recognize that having no money can be as joyful as having plenty. Being grateful for everything in your life is worth far more than any amount of money.

The financial struggle is real

Don't get me wrong I would never wish the financial struggles I have endured on anyone else. I do not believe everyone needs to experience hardship to become content in life. I do think we all need to step back once in a while and really look at what we have in our lives. We need to discover the blessings that we have all around us and learn to say, I am truly content where I am today.

Discontentment the thief of joy

It's hard sometimes to see a bright future through the lens of discontentment and frustration. Discontentment can seep into so many areas of our lives in so many ways, in my life it sneaks into my thoughts frequently. I find when I look at my future goals I I feel less than successful. When I look at my past I feel like a failure. I feel that in all the bad financial decisions I damaged my future. I have discovered that this is not the case. I can use my failures to help others avoid my mistakes and discover what took me years to learn. Joy is something that is a constant struggle to many of us. We feel that joy can only be found if things are perfect and if we have everything we think we need. Well my question for you friends is this? What is it that we really need to be joyful in life?

I believe true joy does not come from achieving and attaining everything in life that you have ever wanted. I believe joy is found in the simple moments of gratitude and contentment. The moments where we do not receive anything more than what we already have and we reflect on the blessings in our life. Some of the happiest moments in my life and the ones I remember the most are the simple moments enjoyed with my family and friends. Joyful moments I can remember the most are... the moment I met my husband, the time spent together with him, seeing my daughter's smiling face, the countless memories of time with friends and the memories made with those I love.

What really does lead to contentment and joy in life

  • Being grateful for our blessings

  • Valuing ourselves and our relationships

  • Finding peace in your present circumstances

  • Discovering that you can be content and joyful with nothing

  • Helping others who are struggling

Discovering contentment and joy in life from my perspective

A life full of "the best" of everything will sometimes trap you in a miserable existence. There is a verse in the Bible that talks about money. "For the love of money is the root of all evil. Some people eager for money have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs." 1 Timothy 6:10 NIVI do not typically quote scripture on my website or talk about my faith. However, being completely honest about what I believe is important. Many of you may not believe the same. You may have different views and that is understandable. In my own experience though I believe this to be the truth. I believe this scripture has a lot of value and is extremely important in learning to manage money.

What this verse does not mean

Money is evil

You should not have wealth

What this verse does mean

Money is important, but our faith and what we value are more important.

I believe it is a caution for us that if money causes you to stumble and make questionable choices that you need to re-evaluate your present situation and focus.

I believe it also says exactly what I discovered in my life. Money can cause great grief when mismanaged. When money becomes your primary focus it can also cause you to make questionable choices and it can leave you broken.

Final thoughts

As I wrap up today I just want to remind you that finding contentment and joy in life happens when you learn to be grateful with that you already have. As a Christian I believe these are a direct consequence of my growing relationship with God and trusting him with my finances. I believe leading a life of true contentment and joy is far more valuable than any amount of wealth.


