
Have you ever wondered about the effects of consumerism on our attitudes and behaviors? Do you remember the last time you bought something that you wanted? You had eyed it and planned this purchase and waited for it for however long it took. Did you wait long or just run right out and buy it? Either way you decided to purchase this item that you believed would in some way enhance your life.You get home and open it up and your excitement for this new iPad, game system, shoes or whatever the purchase was could not be matched. At least for now that is until just a little time passed and another item becomes the focal point. This is the reality of the effect of consumerism that shows up in many of our lives.

What is Consumerism?

"The definition of consumerism is the protection of the rights and interests of the general pool of buyers, or an obsession with buying material goods or items."

What are the affects of consumerism

Consumerism is not a negative thing entirely. It is vital to the existence of companies around the world. Developing a healthy relationship with consumerism and learning to execute self control are the key. The effect on both your financial life and your attitude when you do not learn to control your impulses can be devastating. When the focus shifts from this mindset to one of gratitude and appreciation for what you have your joy will increase. When the shift is from gratitude towards a constant attitude of discontentment and desire for more, this is where consumerism begins to create a problem. We are all consumers at many times throughout our life. We choose what products are right for us and we purchase these items based on our preferences and needs.

What if you had to do a spending freeze?

What if you were asked or forced to do a spending freeze? What if you had to limit the amount of shopping you do? Would you be able to do this or would the lack of spending be too much for you to resist. Many of us would find this to be impossible or extremely difficult where we are right now. If you relate more to these feelings you are not alone.

Black Friday and holiday sales

Thanksgiving weekend is here and every year at Thanksgiving the sales begin to amp up and the advertising gets louder and more in our faces. We need to step back from some of this and use it to our advantage and not be swept up in their sales tactics. This weekend we will most likely witness the effects of consumerism in various ways. Black Friday can be a great time to get a great deal or to get your holiday shopping done. If you have been struggling with your finances based on over spending it can also be a dangerous situation to get involved in.

My challenge to you today

As you head into thanksgiving day and the holiday weekend I just want to challenge you to a change of heart. Search deep within yourself and discover what you are truly grateful for this holiday season. Recognize your limits when it comes to spending money and set some much needed boundaries with your spending. I want you to enter the new year with less debt and more gratitude and joy in life. None of those things you can buy this weekend can ever bring you those things. As you head out to the stores shopping this holiday season ask yourself a few questions before each purchase.

  • Is this purchase necessary?

  • Would I have purchased it if it were not on sale?

  • Do I have the money to buy this outright with no financial strain?

  • Will it help bring me closer to my goals for this coming year?


If you answered no to any of these questions then I would suggest that this might be a good time to execute some self control. You still have the choice to make ultimately yourself each time you go shopping. Asking yourself these things during these times can help to keep you from overspending on unnecessary purchases.Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! Thank you for your friendship and your support in what I do here at Saving Joyfully. I wish you a wonderful holiday season ahead and a better financial start this coming year.


