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Are you looking for some ways to stretch your income and save a little extra money this year? Let's discuss some creative ways that you might be able to do this very easily this year. The ideas I have listed below may require a bit of work on your part but nothing too difficult. In all honesty, you might be surprised and even disappointed that you did not know about some of these years ago.

Find Forgotten Money

Do you wish you could find some extra money every day? You can find some extra money within your budget and daily routines if you just know the right areas to focus on. Lets get started and see what might work for you.

Wellness Benefits

Check your current health insurance coverage for wellness benefits that you may have been missing out on. If you have health insurance through your or your spouse's employer the chances that your coverage offers wellness benefits are very likely. Check the following link for a general explanation of what these may mean through your employer-sponsored health plan. Each plan is very different so check with your specific coverage to find about your personal wellness benefits. Wellness benefits explained

Supplemental Insurance Coverage

Wellness benefits through your supplemental insurance coverage. these work a little differently than your health insurance wellness benefits. For example If you have a Hospital Indemnity plan, accident insurance, or critical illness coverage through your or your spouse's employer, you may have a wellness benefit available yearly. These are simple to achieve and yet many people overlook them every year and never take the time to redeem them. You simply complete certain health screening tests such as mammogram, pap smear, chest x-ray, lab work, colonoscopy, basic eye exam, etc., and receive an annual benefit. This benefit through my current employer is $50 - $75 a year per individual. You simply go to the website of the insurance company and find out how to submit a wellness claim. I have used both Voya and Unum coverages in the past and both have a super easy process. All I had to do was just fill in the claim submit the form with the details of my claim and I was done. I have received my check in the mail for each company within two weeks after my claim was filed.

Do You Have Unclaimed Funds?

Do you have any unclaimed funds? This is easy to search and find unclaimed money that is owed to you. Just visit this website and click search by state and type in your info to locate anything that might be owed back to you. Unclaimed funds

Sell Some Things You No Longer Need

You can use a website like eBayCraig's listFacebook garage sale, or even an app like letgo. You can use these to post many items that you no longer need but might be of value to someone else. Making money could be easy depending on what you have to sell. I found success selling on eBay for many years selling name brand clothing items in like-new condition that we may have outgrown, collectibles that others are looking for that might just be collecting dust, items that are limited edition and only sold in small quantities usually bring more money due to their limited availability. Do a quick search before you sell your item to find out what others are selling for in a similar condition. eBay even has a feature for sellers where they can see what similar items have sold for recently.

Have A Gift Card That You No Longer Want?

Check your gift cards on Raise and see if it might be worth reselling your gift card. You will not get the full value of the gift card but it will pay back a portion of the gift card balance. For something you cannot or would not use, this can be a decent option.

Make Money While Working Out Or Walking

Many apps today such as achievementWalgreens balance rewardsAARP rewards pay you money for things like connecting your Fitbit and earning your daily steps. These are just a few easy ways to earn some money back when working out or just staying more active.

Earn Extra Money Searching The Internet

Earn extra money searching the Internet, making online purchases, playing games, or printing coupons. You can use or Mypoints to earn either PayPal cash or gift cards when participating in these various activities.

Money-Making, Money-Saving Apps

Download and start using some Apps that can make you money either through scanning grocery receipts, walking into a store, or just simply linking your grocery loyalty card. Shopkick earns you points in many ways including walking into stores and opening the app, scanning products throughout the store and connecting cards or scanning receipts for product purchases. We'll both get points toward a free gift card when you try it. Use code NICE196185. A few other favorite grocery apps of mine would be IbottaUse my referral code, ch4sna, and you can get up to a $20 welcome bonus, Checkout 51 & Fetch Rewards Use my referral code, V8QKN, during signup and you'll get 2,000 Fetch Points ($2.00 in points!) just for starting.

Shop Around For Car Insurance, Homeowners, And Renters Insurance

Shop around for car insurance, homeowners, and renters insurance to see if you can get a better rate. You can do this by simply calling around or using auto insurance websites to check for their rates for the coverage you need. You can also use a company that my husband and I have used many times and often found a better rate on our insurance coverage. Answer Financial is the company that I have used many times and it only requires one phone call 1-866- 665- 5700 and they shop many companies for you. You can also use their online feature here.


These are just a few simple ways to find some lost or undiscovered money every day. You could save a lot more this year by simply trying a few to see how they work for you. Some may not be available to you but I'm certain at least a few of these could help you save or earn some extra money this year.


