
What is self-worth? According to Webster’s dictionary, the term self-worth means “confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect.”

Why do we naturally attribute this self-confidence so much to our own views of our actions and abilities? Why do we look at ourselves and judge ourselves against our own measurements and not against reality? Lack of self-confidence in ourselves often holds us back a lot in life. It can keep us from achieving success and keep us from pursuing many of our goals if we allow it to.

What should I find my self-worth in?

  • Who are you really? As a Christian, I believe that we all should find our self-worth in who we are in Christ. I believe that I am a child of God with special gifts given to me that benefit the entire body of Christ. These gifts can be used to bring glory to Christ and serve others. Many times though what we chose to do instead is to overlook our strengths while we worry why we are not better at other things. We often find ourselves comparing our lives to others and what they do well. Instead of looking within ourselves at what we are truly good at.

  • Stop comparing yourself to others it doesn’t help it only harms your self-esteem and future success. Remember that we are each given specific talents and abilities. What are those talents? You would know best what it is that you do well and once you establish that you can begin to work on that in your life.

  • Challenge yourself to stop thinking negatively about yourself. Focus on what you do well and what you can do to help others.

  • Remember that above all self-worth has nothing to do with your success financially or in your career. In our world today it might seem to be the sum of our worth but to be completely honest it’s only a small part of who you really are.

A quote and great reminder from one of my favorite authors:

“You’re special not because of what you have. You’re special because of who you are.”

Max Lucado from his book titled - You are mine

Let’s look at the reality of self-worth

Self-worth is being confident in your own abilities. What does that mean? It means that you believe that you can succeed. A person with wisdom knows their actual limitations but also challenges themselves to improve because they have confidence that with hard work they can succeed. It doesn't mean that you will always succeed at everything but it does mean that the limitations you place on yourself through fear of failure will prevent success in your life. You have to be willing to fail and be ok with failure to really begin to succeed. Failure is only failure when we allow ourselves to view it that way. I wrote a post recently about this very topic and about some experiences with perceived failure in my own life.

Lessons learned through perceived failure

I believe that through failure in my own life I have achieved success. My success and my failures are different from yours yet my views on them and acceptance of my shortcomings are something that you can achieve also. You can look at failure as a stepping stone towards growth and recognize it as just another step along the right path. That path looks different for all of us and so will our perceived failures and successes.

In our great diversity we are beautiful

May I remind you that we are all very different and yet very beautifully diverse. Each of us makes up a universe filled with remarkable talents. If we were not all so beautifully different life would be very boring. We need each other's strengths and abilities in various stages in life. Not everyone is successful at saving lives but a Physician or Nurse can play an amazing role. Not everyone has the patience or the empathy to work with those who are struggling emotionally. A counselor can save a life in a very different way while a Physician might not be as successful. We all play an important role right where we are today. Don't forget your value and your importance along the road you are traveling down right now.

It is not money made or what we own which brings us joy

Many of us have thought if I just had this I would be so much happier. We strive to achieve that goal, to get that promotion or buy that item only to be left disappointed. Sure there is some joy to be found at that moment but it often quickly fades. Why because material items and even wealth will never bring true joy in life. The more we own the more we tend to want and the more we lose ourselves in the pursuit of this dream. A dream that is always going to ultimately disappoint us and never offer the true joy we crave. We will never achieve this dream because is just an illusion a concept that we believe to be real but is not what it seems.

When money, wealth, and even fame become a reality

Many have achieved their dreams and will tell you that they often were not all that they seemed to be. Dreams and goals are necessary and important but achieving joy through success or money can be tricky. Success and even wealth can often even subtract from your joy leaving you disappointed, disillusioned, and often feeling the opposite. There is nothing wrong with achieving success, making money, or having nice things, but they will not bring you true joy.

Discovering true joy in every stage of life

Joy is found in accepting what you have now in each stage of your life. Joy is found in being grateful for these blessings even if life doesn’t look the way we always hoped that it would. Joy can be found in life but will never be found in material things, money, success, or relationships. True Joy is only found in a relationship with Jesus Christ and in accepting His free gift of salvation. It is found in discovering that we are nothing without Him and becoming grateful for all the blessings right where we are today. Joy is found at the moment where you recognize that what you have right now in life is enough. Joy is found in the realization that no matter the circumstances you are faced with today God is always there and He is all we need. Finding joy is simply a choice that we make to be grateful for all we have right now and all God has done for us.


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