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Have you ever wondered if Aldi sells baby products? Or even wondered if Aldi baby products are any good? My husband and I decided to research and try out Aldi baby products and here is what we learned. We purchased and tried the Aldi baby products with our baby so that we could share our experience with you.

With grocery prices rising everywhere why not give Aldi a try? Aldi has been an especially important part of our budget for the last three years of my daughter’s life. We would have spent so much more on baby products without Aldi and this is why we highly recommend their products here at

Disclosure: I receive no compensation for my review of Aldi products within this post. This is my honest review of Aldi baby products and I recommend them based on my positive experience. Please keep in mind prices given are subject to change at any time and are just examples of our own Aldi experience.

Aldi sells various baby items

• Baby formula

• Various sizes of diapers & training pants

• Toddler juice equivalent to Mott’s for Tots

• Baby wipes

• Baby food

• Puffs and melts for babies and toddlers

• Infant water

• Diaper rash cream

• Baby wash and lotion

Aldi baby formula review

Baby Formula from Aldi

I have to admit that I was skeptical about going to Aldi to purchase their baby products. Why? I eat their food all the time and have no issues eating it myself. I discovered that day that I hold my child's food and beverage items to a different standard than my own. I was nervous because of all the things that you hear about lower-quality food items. Deep down I think some of the marketing by Enfamil and Similac somehow convinced me they are superior. It's easy to hear them talk about the health benefits of their product versus others and believe them. It leaves me wondering if I am cheating my child out of something important by buying Aldi brand baby products. After trying the Infant formula and doing some research of my own we have found that the Aldi formula is not at all inferior. Like all of Aldi's other food and beverage products, the quality and care are always evident.

Did my child eat Aldi's formula just as well?

My daughter is not super picky about her formula and she took the Aldi version with no problems. She typically uses the Enfamil Gentlease formula since she does have some problems with spitting up. We have tried a few off-brands with her to save money and she has handled them all just as well. Aldi’s Little Journey Gentle formula was no different. She drank this formula just the same as any other and I noticed no additional stomach issues or spitting up.

Update July 2020: My daughter is still drinking Aldi's Little Journey formula. We buy this same Little Journey formula weekly and use it for her daily. Occasionally we find another formula that is cheaper on sale and we will temporarily switch. My daughter has adapted well and transitioned seamlessly to using this formula from the pricier Enfamil version.

Is Aldi's formula just as good as the leading brands?

I found research to support the fact that Aldi's formula is similar and as good of quality as any of the brand name formulas. The company that makes the formula distributed at Aldi is called PBM Products, LLC., or Perrigo nutrition. When I researched this company I was able to locate this information regarding their products. Periggo products are also sold as store brands at Costco, Walmart, Kroger, and many other companies. If you have previously purchased and used a store brand from any of these companies you have most likely used this same company's products already. Perrigo Nutrition is the company that manufactures all off-brand or store-brand baby formulas at these and many other stores. I have no hesitation now after the research I have conducted buying this formula for my daughter. I do not doubt that using any of these store brand formulas is just as healthy for my daughter as the name brand options. Any manufacturer of infant formula is held to very high standards when manufacturing and distributing. If you are concerned about GMOs being in your child’s formula their brand also states NON-GMO right on the packaging. You can find some additional information below that I believe will help to put your mind at ease.

Is Aldi's baby formula safe? Here is what I found.

• Perrigo store brand formula information

• About the company

• Types of formulas they manufacture

• Perrigo won a lawsuit for false claims against Mead Johnson

The FDA holds formula manufacturers to high standards in manufacturing their infant formulas.

Aldi baby formula options are available

Aldi's Little Journey baby formula comes in multiple varieties of powdered formula. The Aldi's little Journey formula brand sells Advantage, Neuro plus, Sensitive, Gentle, Soy, and even toddler formula varieties. 

What size baby formula does Aldi sell?

Aldi’s baby formula comes in one size for each formula type available these range from 21.5 ounces for Aldi's gentle formula to the largest 24 ounces which is the amount of Aldi's toddler formula.

What other products did I try from Aldi?

  • Aldi's Baby diapers

  • Aldi's Infant water

  • Aldi's Baby food pouches & Aldi's Little Journey brand baby snacks

  • Aldi's Baby Wipes

  • Aldi's baby juice

Aldi baby food review

Aldi’s Little Journey puffs

Aldi's baby products met our expectations almost every time. The one Aldi product I was not as impressed with was Aldi's baby puffs. These fruit-flavored baby puffs which they sell in multiple flavors are reasonably priced but not quite as soft as the Gerber brand puffs. This is not just an Aldi thing though I have found that most generic puffs are made similarly. Gerber puffs were easier for my child to eat and dissolved quicker while eating. Gerber Puffs can be given at 8 months and according to Aldi's Little Journey baby puffs, they should be at least 9 months old. My daughter liked the Gerber puffs better and I felt safer with her eating them closer to this age range. As she aged a bit and grew teeth she was fine with the Aldi brand puffs. At this point though I felt she was fine to transition to Cheerios-style cereals and a variety of cheaper snack options.

Aldi baby puffs review

Aldi baby-friendly products

Aldi offers many child and baby-friendly products which are a blessing for a new parent. As a new parent, you often wonder if the products sold at a lower price are inferior. In my experience with all of these products, they are all no-frills acceptable substitutes to more expensive name brand times. I found the cost of some of these items available at Aldi to be comparable to items at many other stores. Keep in mind however that brand names in combination with coupons and deals at other stores could still end up costing less. Especially in situations where you might be able to get coupons from the manufacturer for baby formula, food, diapers, wipes, etc. I wrote a post previously where I share a lot of great ways that you can receive baby formula for free or discounted. You can check this post out here to find out just how we have stretched our grocery budget further with a baby.

More ways to stretch your budget with a new baby

• Baby freebies and rewards programs

• Free and discounted formula

• Best baby items to buy at Costco

Does Aldi sell baby Diapers?

Yes, Aldi does sell baby diapers in many different sizes ranging from size Newborn through size 6.

Are Aldi diapers any good?

Our experience with Aldi's diapers has been nothing short of wonderful. We had no issues, no messes, and no rashes or irritation that occurred as a result of using Aldi's Little Journey's diapers. My daughter is in a size 4 diaper currently and is very active walking, running, and getting into everything. When she wears Aldi little journey diapers I honestly see no significant difference. We have switched her to Aldi diapers for good and highly recommend them. We see no big difference in Aldi's brand diapers. We prefer Aldi diapers over one of the bigger name-brand diapers that have leaked previously on her. On the packaging for Aldi little journey diapers, it states that it has a 4 layer system that locks in wetness and a hypoallergenic liner. All Aldi Little Journey products have the Good Housekeeping seal of approval. Earning the Good Housekeeping seal of approval is a great sign that you are getting a quality baby product.

Aldi little Journey diapers

Aldi little Journey diapers

Does Aldi sell toddler training pants?

Aldi does sell toddler training pants for both boys and girls. These are specifically designed for toddler girls and boys separately to meet their individual needs. They have sizes 3T - 4T & sizes 4T - 5T and they sell these in packs of 19 to 22 training pants depending on the size. Prices vary by each store and can increase over time our Aldi's currently sells these for under $6 a pack. My favorite part about Aldi Little Journey training pants is that they come with velcro-type closures that open and close along the sides. This makes taking them off and putting them back on your toddler even easier than name brands. I have had many name-brand training pants that ripped when putting them on because they did not have this feature. I highly recommend Aldi disposable training pants for your toddler and I know you will not be disappointed with the price or quality.

Why I recommend Aldi Little Journey diapers

Aldi Little Journey diapers stretch well to cover your child’s bottom

Aldi diapers Did not leak at all when my daughter wore them even overnight

No rashes noticed or irritation to her skin

Little Journey diapers sell in a 34-count package for approximately $4 a pack and approximately a 100-count package for $10.99 at my local Aldi's currently

Prices for items can vary by location and can go up slightly without advanced notice.

They have a wetness indicator similar to the more expensive brands on all diaper sizes

These diapers are soft and comfortable for my child

Aldi diapers also have a hypoallergenic liner made with vitamin E & Aloe, up to 12 hours of leak protection, and comfortable leg cuffs.

Little Journey diapers by Aldi are manufactured by First Quality LLC. 

Who is First Quality LLC?

Who is First Quality LLC and what baby products do they make?

What other brands do they produce baby products? 

I found on their website that they also manufacture a brand called Cuties which can be bought at Walmart or on Amazon. They also offer a free sample on their website of Cuties brand if you are interested in trying this brand as well.

Update on Aldi's baby diaper usage October 2022

Still use Aldi baby diapers and my daughter is now in size 5 in the Aldi Little Journey brand. We use them mainly at night now. She makes it through each night without wetting through the baby diapers. My daughter is now 3 years old and has used Aldi baby diapers for over 3 years with no issues. The cost of a case at my local Aldi store is around $10.99 for approximately 100 diapers. We always sent Aldi's diapers with our daughter to daycare with no leakage issues. We even use them at bedtime with no leaks and do not have to buy a more expensive nighttime brand. We have honestly saved so much money by switching to Aldi diapers. My daughter is currently potty training and transitioning to training pants now during the day. I receive no compensation for my review of Aldi products within this post this is my honest review and I highly recommend them.

Aldi Little Journey brand offers a three-pack of baby wipes for a decent price. These wipes cost just over $3 a package at my local Aldi. This makes each package just over a dollar a piece and they contain 99% water and plant-based ingredients in the sensitive baby wipes. Each package contains 64 wipes and a value pack of three. This totals 192 wipes in a value bundle and at a pretty decent price. This is a great deal compared to most brands and the wipes seem very similar to every other wipe that I have used previously. They are high-quality material that holds up well and does not tear. Aldi baby wipe size is equivalent to most other brands making cleaning up easy with fewer wipes needed. I will be purchasing Aldi's Little Journey baby wipes in the future and I recommend these to anyone looking to save money but get a quality product.

Update July 2021: We have used Aldi Little Journey wipes for over a year and a half now. After many months of using Aldi's baby wipes, I can honestly say that they are just as good as any other brand. You can often find another brand on sale cheaper but if no better sale exists Aldi wipes are a great quality frugal buy.

Per Aldi's website they do advise however that " All Little Journey non-food products-including diapers, training pants, wipes, and wash-are formulated without formaldehyde, parabens, phthalates, and triclosan."


My thoughts on Aldi’s baby water

I have found that out of all of the baby items sold at Aldi’s I have no real complaints. The only things that I did notice are that Aldi’s baby water does not contain fluoride. My child's Doctor had previously advised us that she always recommends giving your child water with fluoride in it. Not sure why the manufacturer would choose not to add fluoride to their water. I have seen where this is common among other brands too so there must be a reason some people opt for the fluoride-free version. I do wish they offered both varieties so I would feel comfortable using the baby water for my daughter. In this case, I found this is the determining factor in not purchasing Aldi's baby water weekly because I value her pediatrician's recommendations.

There were many items that I have not yet purchased and tried that Aldi's sells for babies and children. I will try to update my list here in the future if I purchase additional products and keep you up to date on anything I discover at Aldi's for your baby or child that I feel needs to be addressed.

Does Aldi sell baby food?

We started solid foods somewhere around 8 months with our daughter. Although we have not tried all flavors or types of baby food the ones we have tried she has loved. My daughter ate about half of a pouch at one meal gradually eating more as she aged. Initially, one Aldi baby food pouch lasted us two meals by splitting it into a bowl with a spoon when first opening it and refrigerating the second half immediately. The cost of the baby food is great and the variety is decent. I did wish that they had more plain vegetable varieties as I sometimes like to give her just these with some applesauce on the side. I often purchase applesauce jars or pouches that I find on sale to mix with her food. This is typically cheaper than the baby applesauce versions and is just as good. At almost 8 months old she did well with the Go-Go Squeeze applesauce pouches that I can get cheaper at Costco. The quality of baby food from Aldi met my expectations and I found they were very similar to more expensive brand names. 

My daughter approved of all of Aldi Little Journey pouches except for the Chicken and Peas. Sorry, Aldi, my child does not approve of the taste of this specific flavor at all. 

Some additional items Aldi's carries for your baby or child

• 100% juice bottles and Juice packs

• Puffs that come in varieties of fruit vegetable and cheddar

• Baby Wash

• Gluten-free items if you or your child is gluten-free. I have recently started eating gluten-free and have been shocked at the variety of gluten-free products available at Aldi. At my local Aldi, they carry gluten-free bread, bagels, rolls, pretzels, mac n cheese, and even frozen meals. 

What is Aldi finds?

Some items they carry currently at my local Aldi are in a separate section titled “Aldi finds”. These items are listed as “here today, gone tomorrow” so they will no still likely not carry these permanently but they are available for a limited time only.

Example of some Aldi finds products 

  • Organic 1% chocolate milk individual packs

  • Moo Tubes children's yogurt tubes

  • Gerber Organic baby food pouches

Not typically an Aldi shopper read this before you go

• The Aldi twice as nice guarantee

• Aldi store locator

• Aldi's now offers grocery delivery and the first 3 can be free delivery

• You can also do grocery pick up

• Make sure to bring a quarter for a cart Aldi uses this to save money on people collecting carts to keep prices low. Also, remember to bring your bags. Aldi sells grocery bags but does not offer them free. You can bring your own to prevent having to buy them and it's more environmentally friendly. 

Does Aldi accept manufacturers' coupons for brand name items?

Per Aldi's website policy they do not accept any manufacturers' coupons.

Does Aldi accept EBT, cash, and credit cards?

Aldi does accept EBT, cash, and credit cards from Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. 

I hope you found this article helpful in determining whether Aldi baby products are right for your child. I was hoping that I could help expel any fears you might have of switching to their baby products. Aldi truly sells great quality items at a low price that can help stretch your budget further every week. To keep their prices lower Aldi uses various cost-saving measures but they also don’t skimp on workers' salaries which is important. 

Additional questions on Aldi stores and their products

If you have any other questions on Aldi grocery stores here is a link to their website where they answer additional commonly asked questions. If your question is not answered here I would advise using the contact option on their website to inquire directly.




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