A New Direction For Saving Joyfully

When I started Saving Joyfully in February 2018, I began my blog by sharing my personal financial story. As a new blogger, I looked to many for advice regarding blogging and began to shape my blog using this advice. Some of the most common advice I heard was this… always keep religion and politics off of your blog. Fast forward almost 4 years later and I have realized the decision I made was wrong and that this is not the right approach for my blog.

A New Direction for Saving Joyfully

As you may have noticed Saving Joyfully is changing a bit these days. I’m becoming bolder about my faith and about my priorities in life because I believe those are the most important parts of my story. My life has changed a lot over the past few years and what is most important in my life has become a lot clearer. Working in healthcare during this global pandemic has helped me to discover what really matters in life even more. Just so we are clear that is not how much money I can make, how much money I can save, or even become debt-free. These things still play a part in our lives and of course, money is necessary but it is just a tool we need to learn to use wisely.

To write a blog that will truly help anyone discover joy in their lives personally and become financially free I must be completely honest about my faith. Many have followed Saving joyfully that may not understand this decision and I realize that. However, I do not write with the purpose of pleasing everyone I write to share my personal story and what has changed my life. I am sharing how I have personally discovered joy in life and financial freedom to hopefully inspire many along their journey to find what I have also found.

What have I discovered in my life?

  • Joy found in a relationship with Jesus Christ that is not dependent on my circumstances

  • Financial freedom through trusting God with my finances

  • Money is not the most important thing in life and should never be my primary focus

  • Life is so much better when we have our priorities right and begin living a truly joyful life

Why I am making this change with the blog

Neither joy nor financial prosperity could have been found in my life without my relationship with God. Although I was on the right track when I started Saving Joyfully with getting my finances in order I still had much to learn. Throughout my life the last 4 years I have received new insight into life that has changed my perspective. If you look back on my older posts you will discover a focus centered on fixing my financial situation which was missing one important factor. At that time in my life, my focus was not on surrendering my finances to God and trusting Him to help me repair them. Since that time I have learned a lot about managing my finances which I have shared in my articles. However, most importantly I recognize that I’m not sharing all that I am learning in my life. Many of my posts have been missing the key element that I believe will help you repair your financial life.

What my readers can expect to find on Saving Joyfully

At this time you will learn that Saving Joyfully is now becoming a more faith-based finance blog. You can expect to hear about my relationship with God because it is now the most important part of who I am. You will receive encouragement to seek God first in your life and in your finances. You will still receive sound financial advice but my focus will never be only on money. Money is an essential tool but it should never be the main focus of our lives. Our finances will always deter us and distract us from our relationship with God and striving to live a joyful life if they become our main focus. 


The Time For Change Is Here


Embracing a new life