Today I wanted to challenge you all with this financial challenge that I discovered a few years back. It is super simple to get started and is very motivating. The challenge starts out very slow with small amounts at the beginning of the year that are very manageable. I did not develop this plan, it has been circulating around the Internet for a while and is a very popular way to save. I have found this is the best way for me to jump start my savings account.
This Savings plan is almost like a game and it makes saving money way more fun. You can get the whole family involved, and make it even more fun. It is also easier to stick to, because who wants to disappoint the family by emptying the fund. Involving the family might just give you some added accountability. You can also get a friend to join in on the plan and keep each other accountable. Set some goals with the fund and dream a little as you save. Try to come up with some great ways to utilize the funds once they are saved. You can also use it to begin to build up your emergency fund, which is very important to have.
I have successfully completed this savings plan two years. It has really helped me to build up my emergency fund and to even finance some large unexpected expenses.

This is believed to have originated in 2013 through a Facebook group called “Kassondra’s 52-Week Money Challenge,” created by personal finance enthusiast Kassondra Perry-Moreland.