
Time changes so many things and often so quickly. This time last year I never would have believed that I would be where I am today. Life has taken some very interesting twists and turns for me over the last 12 months. Within 12 months I found I was pregnant, lost my job and returned to a previous job, discovered my father was ill, reunited with my parents whom I hadn't seen in years, lost my father and had my first child. Time does not heal all wounds but it can certainly surprise us with many changes we never expected. One day you are comfortable in your present situation and the next minute you are thrown into an interesting spiral of change and tough decisions to be made. Through it all there has been one thing that has remained the same I have trusted God through it all.In these tough times worry has often gotten the best of me. What else do you do when you are feeling overwhelmed and scared but worry about the future. I have quickly discovered that worrying gets me no where and it actually steals my joy. If I am trying to maintain a joy filled life and find the best path to take worrying is not the answer.

How did I handle each obstacle I was faced with this year?

  • I turned my worries into prayers and worked on my faith

  • I faced each fear head on and with confidence

  • Talked with friends and accepted their encouragement and support. I want to remind you today that we cannot handle everything alone. Life is meant to be lived with others by our side and I am not too proud to receive help from others and you should not be either.

If it were not for so many wonderful people in my life I would not be where I am today. In life many people come and go but many also stay because they are meant to walk through these periods of life with us. I have friendships that have lasted 30 plus years and friendships that have lasted a year or less. I believe in each situation that they have come into my life for a reason. Sometimes those friendships are meant to bring me joy and encouragement, sometimes I am meant to do the same for them. In each situation and each friendship I approach them all the same. I offer my encouragement and friendship freely to others and look for ways to bring joy into their lives. Life is not meant to be lived alone. I believe that those who are truly blessed have a hard time counting their friends. If it weren't for the many friendships and relationships I have developed personally and professionally over the years all of these struggles this past year would have been even more difficult.Below are just a few photos of my new little girl and the reason I have been absent from writing a lot over the last few months. She is growing quickly and is definitely bringing a lot of joy to my life.This coming year I am looking forward to some new adventures. Times spent with my new daughter Jasmine as she grows. Developing new relationships and embracing the new changes and challenges that come my way everyday. What lessons have you learned this year about discovering joy? What is currently bringing you joy?


