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Spending your hard earned money on valuable products can be hard to do. It's very tough to know what to spend it on and what not to spend it on. In this post I wanted to share a few companies and products that I spend my hard earned money on. This is not a sponsored post and although I am including some affiliate links to these products that is not the purpose of this post. This post is to showcase some quality items that I would recommend spending your money on. Each of these items have been a challenge for me to discover a good product in that category and I think these deserve a mention. So what does Saving Joyfully recommend? Read on to find out just what quality products I love that actually save me significantly each year.

My work shoes

I struggle to find decent work shoes that do not hurt my feet. For years I have had plantar fasciitis and many shoes cause me pain. Finding a good pair of shoes that does not hurt is really tough for me. I don't work on my feet all day but I am expected to wear dress shoes and these are never comfortable. About 8 years ago I discovered ECCO brand shoes and ever since that first pair I have been hooked. As you know I have always been a bargain shopper and these shoes are not cheap. The shoes I buy for work can be as much as $130. You are probably wondering why I am recommending such expensive shoes. Well because sometimes the value is not in the amount they cost when you buy them but the years that they last and still feel great. My current work shoes which I bought on sale for $90 have lasted me for over 4 years now. If you typically buy one pair of $30-$40 shoes a year you are spending more than me and I can almost guarantee that you are not happy enough to write a blog post on those shoes.

My Amazon Prime subscription

Why would I recommend this subscription and why do I purchase my subscription every year? My husband and I chose to not renew our Netflix subscription or subscribe to cable many years ago after discovering Amazon Prime. This may not work for others as well as it does for us, but we have found endless free streaming options that we love on Amazon Prime. We get free 2 day shipping on many purchases we make on Amazon and we receive many other great benefits from this subscription and never pay for another streaming service.

Nespresso Virtuo coffee maker

why do I recommend Nespresso coffee machine? My love of coffee would be the biggest reason I recommend this product. Sure it is a bit overpriced for most coffee pots but it has the best coffee and the ability to create coffee house style beverages. I'm sure many people will look down on me for this recommendation, but I don't care because coffee is one super important thing to me. The great thing about this pot besides the taste of this coffee is the milk frother that goes with it. I love coffee house beverages like mochas and lattes and although I do not drink them all the time I love that I can save significant money making them myself. They tastes amazing and this coffee maker and frother can save you a lot of money if you are someone who buys beverages at places like Starbucks frequently. My favorite way to make this coffee is one coffee pod and chocolate fairlife milk in the milk frother. It makes an awesome chocolate latte that you will absolutely love. Each of these products could be considered pricey and could definitely be considered unnecessary expenses. I could buy cheaper shoes, go without the Nespresso and use a basic coffee pot or cancel the amazon prime and just watch local stations. Here is the thing though we each choose what is important to us in life and we prioritize purchasing those items with our money. I chose these items because they enhance my life in someway that is worthwhile to me. I do save significantly by not drinking coffee out anymore. I also save significant amounts of money on purchasing shoes because of the amazing quality shoes that Ecco produces. I rarely have to replace them and they still look great and feel great.What do you purchase that might be considered more expensive or unnecessary to others, but you find enhances your life? I would love to read about it in the comments. Also if you are a blogger I challenge you to write a similar post because I would love to hear your personal recommendations.


