
Keeping the hope of a new year alive is easier said than done this year. Most of us have felt like we are barely treading water this year, trying hard to keep up with many new challenges that have come our way.

Another year has now come to a close, and most of us could not be happier to welcome this change. 2020 has been one of the most trying times for so many financially, physically, and mentally.

Keeping the hope of a new year alive in 2021?

Saying goodbye to 2020 means another whole year ahead filled with uncertainty, yet also filled with hope and possibilities. 2020 has quickly become a year that we will never forget for so many reasons. I for one will not miss it and I am choosing to look forward to 20201 joyfully. I will welcome each & every one of the new challenges and possibilities that 2021 holds with hope. 

A new year means new choices, opportunities, and goals to be set. Starting fresh financially is a great possibility with each new year. Reworking your budget, starting a new savings plan, or even cutting spending can make a huge difference when you resolve to do this from day one. Many people make resolutions that they know they will not keep but this decision is made only by you. You can choose to set some goals and commit to each of these goals 100%!

My 2021 goals and what I hope to accomplish

This year has set me back in many ways. Not only because of 2020 but also because I am still adapting to life with my young daughter who is now 18 months. It is easy to see why young mothers and fathers feel like they have no time. While I always felt like I had no time before her birth I still struggle to find time now. The older she gets the more active she is and the more time is required of us as parents. She is a blessing and I am grateful for this sweet little girl. However some days I miss the evenings where I could get off work and write for a while. Now I pray for a bit of free time each weekend to be able to write and create for the blog

What is on my goals list this year?

  • Quality time spent with my husband & daughter

  • Exercising more

  • Eating cleaner

  • Investing more

  • Saving more money

  • Continuing to build my website and bring you more helpful content

My goals will all be difficult as with anything worth achieving, but I know it will be worth the effort. I want to look back at the end of 2021 with satisfaction knowing that anything is possible if you just work hard at it. New years has always been one of my favorite holidays. I have always loved the new opportunities and the endless possibilities of a fresh new year.

How am I keeping the hope of a new year alive?

  • Setting realistic expectations for myself and my goals

  • Knowing my limitations and my available resources

  • Developing a plan to maximize my time and resources

  • Paying close attention to my budget, time management and resources to make sure I create a successful atmosphere to achieve these things

  • Staying positive and approaching each day with joy and determination. Not allowing circumstances beyond my control to get me down and steal my dreams. There will be days that will be harder but I know that I am looking forward to better days ahead.

Getting my yearly finances and budget on the right track

This is a big job every year to make sure that I not only start the year out right but continue moving forward throughout the year. Successfully planning with your budget can make or break so many aspects of your finances. These are just a few key elements that I believe make the biggest impact in getting my finances on track.

  1. Set a realistic and flexible budget. This is so important especially on years like 2021 where things are so uncertain.

  2. Working on a money-saving mindset starting January 1st. This is never more important than it is right now. As we are looking ahead at a year filled with so much financial insecurity across the world, there has never been a better time to get good at saving money.

  3. Out with old bad behaviors and in with new good ones. Determine the behaviors that cause you to overspend the most and begin to make necessary changes to limit those situations or alter your approach. You will be surprised at how much just changing a few behaviors can change your financial life. That weekend lunch or dinner out, daily lunchtime purchase, etc. can free up substantial savings throughout your year.

  4. Start a money saving challenge

What is a money-saving challenge?

Each year over the past 5 years I have done a money saving challenge. The actual challenge may be different from year to year and so are my goals with the challenge. The first few years were targeted mainly at building my savings which is a huge step for me. I reached $5,000 saved right after my daughter was born in 2019 which was a major step for us.

Choosing the right money saving challenge can be as easy as a visit to Pinterest. The first money saving challenge the 52 week money saving challenge I ever completed was found and printed off of Pinterest. There are many different money savings challenges that you can do which I share about more in the post below.

How a money-saving challenge became an investment

In 2019, I also began a savings challenge combined with an Investment account with an app called Stash. I began investing for the first time on my own which once seemed impossible. Starting small with my own Investments has completely changed my outlook on Investing in general. It is now clear to me that investing can be done even with very little disposable income as long as you do some research and approach it right.

The outcome is obviously never guaranteed when you begin investing. You will win with some and you will also lose yet when done with caution it can be very beneficial. I discovered during this year that with a small amount of money over a longer period of time and with a variety of different investments, the experience changed my outlook on investing entirely. I no longer fear the idea of investing the way I once did and I no longer view it as something for everyone but me.

You are not alone in your challenges

For some, the new year holds many new trials and challenges. Health, financial, relationship, and even career challenges. No matter what challenges you are facing this year I just want to encourage you that you are not alone. Most of us have all experienced some of these same setbacks throughout 2020. None of our stories are the same and I do not know what you are facing exactly but I do know that there is still hope. You are not alone and God is still in control even as 2020 comes to a close.

Keeping the hope of a new year alive while setting goals

You know your own personal situation which is different from everyone else. Whatever your situation might be you can begin to make better financial choices this year. If you have very little or no disposable income you can still begin to save. It might seem impossible but ever dollar saved that is forgotten, becomes the right type of savings. Every frugal change made in your life, and budget frees up money that you did not have before.

This year might be about finally beginning to save for the first time or it may simply be about finding ways to make your bills and stay afloat. I have been in both places off and on for many years. Either way the goal should be about moving forward financially. Even if it is only through eliminating unnecessary spending in 2021, you can be sure that you are making progress towards your goals. Keep moving forward a day at a time making the best financial choices that you can make for your situation this year.

The key is to approach the year building a financially successful future for you. Stop comparing your story to anyone else and start writing your own financial success story today.


