
Welcome back to friends and finances my featured blogger series that introduces you to some amazing bloggers. The biggest reason I decided to start this new series, is because I believe in getting different perspectives on handling your finances. Secondly I believe that the bloggers featured here each week have a lot to offer the world and deserve recognition. Some of the blogs featured will be other personal finance related blogs and others will not be. The reason I chose to include some other blogs that are not related to finance is simple, we all have a financial story no matter who we are. I believe money is not the only focus we should have when traveling our road to financial freedom, and I think discovering some fun blogs that share something different can be a welcomed break from over focusing on money. So today I welcome Kimberly from KATS kreative life

Hello everyone, KATS Kreative Life is the name of my blog. KATS are my initials and I have always been creative. I share the creative ways that I organize, save money, make crafts, travel and cook for my family and friends. I have had to learn most of these things through trial and error over the last 30 years. I hope I can help someone else by sharing this information.Check out Kat's recipe for this amazing looking Strawberry Pineapple Trifle here:


Kimberly has some great recipes over on her website. If you are looking to save some money and cook at home more, she has some amazing recipes to try out.

1. How long have you been blogging?

I have been thinking about starting a blog for quite some time, but I actually started my blog in January 2018. So I have officially been blogging for about 5 months now.

2. What has been your biggest money mistake?

Relying on credit cards when we didn’t have enough income to cover our expenses. The business I managed was sold while I was on maternity leave with my first child, so when I was ready to go back to work, I did not have a job. I had planned to take my baby to work with me, so I had no plans for childcare. I ended up being a stay at home mom for a few years. We used the credit cards to bridge the gap between our income and expenses which finally led to bankruptcy.

3. What is your best advice for recovering from or preventing this money mistake?

Do not use credit cards except in very particular situations and pay them off quickly. Looking back, I would have changed a lot of things. I would have cut back on our expenses and would have found a job of some type even if it meant moving or putting my son in daycare.

4. Favorite quote or money advice and who was the author?

“Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.” Warren Buffet

5. Favorite money or budgeting related book and author?

I don’t read a lot of books any more, I tend to listen to podcasts while driving or doing other things. I really enjoyed one called Enjoying Life on a Budget by Mark and Lauren Greutman.

6. Favorite money-saving website? and

7. Favorite money-making app or website? ( You can give more than one)

I use several of the money back apps, but Ibotta is my favorite. Field Agent is a good app to pick up small jobs if you are already shopping or in town.

8. Do you have an emergency fund or savings account?

Yes, we have a savings account that we use as an emergency fund. I place most of my income tax refund in the savings account and use that instead of credit cards when we have unexpected expenses come up.

9. What is your most successful strategy for saving money?

Not shopping, if I don’t shop, I don’t spend money. Of course, everyone has to go shopping sometime, so when I do, I use a combination of sales, paper or online coupons, and money back apps to save as much money as I can on groceries and household goods.





Website URL

I want to thank Kimberly for taking the time to be Interviewed, for sharing your insight and financial advice with all of us today, and just a little glimpse of your website. Thank you everyone who took the time to read this post, stop by her website when you have a chance and let her know Saving Joyfully sent you. See you next time for another blogger Interview, and an introduction to another great blogger.


