Embracing a new life

embracing a new life

Out of all of my posts, this post is the most valuable you could ever read. The reason it is so valuable is not because of anything I have done but because of a miraculous change that happened in my life. 

Embracing a new life

Many people do not believe in God and at one time in my own life, I too felt the same. How could God be real? The Bible stories and things people shared just made no sense. In my mind, if it couldn’t be explained or understood by me then it wasn’t true. I couldn’t have been further from the truth when thinking those things. There are so many things in life that do not make sense and that defy explanation. Just because we cannot explain or understand something doesn’t make it not true!

Even if we can explain things through science or human knowledge there will always be more things that we will not be able to explain. We as humans will always try to make sense of the things we encounter and will often believe that we know the absolute truth. However, if we are honest with ourselves there will always be more that we cannot see or comprehend. I want to challenge you to start searching for the truth today. I would love to share my story with you and how I found what I had been searching for all along. After you have read my story I want to challenge you to take a look at your own life and begin to ask some serious questions about your life. 

Now you will know the rest of my story

Many of you know my finance story already. What a lot of you didn’t know is my whole story. This story changed me far more than my money story and has made me who I am today. Today I sit here writing this with a renewed sense of who I am and what I was made for. Although spreading joy and sharing my money story is part of that purpose, it isn’t the sum of my purpose. My purpose is found in my relationship with Jesus Christ which I discovered in my teen years. 

As a teen, I attended a youth group at a local church and was searching for so many things at that time. Joy, acceptance, forgiveness & hope were among the things  I was searching for my whole life. My childhood was often painful and left me with many scars that even at 40 years old have not completely healed. I knew I wanted and needed more in my life I just had no idea how to find it. The youth group I attended was not always welcoming and unfortunately, some of the teens still treated me like I was not good enough. It was something that I had grown accustomed to over the years and it is something we all still see today. People are often unkind and even being at church doesn’t always change that reality. However among the things I experienced at that church I met a couple that helped me to learn who Jesus Christ was and what he had done for me. That couple became a great example in my life in many ways and they not only led me to the place where I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior but also began to heal. 

The change and the process

I found Jesus but even after accepting Jesus Christ My life was not instantly fixed and transformed. What did happen however is it sent me on a journey of discovering who I am in Christ and who He created me to be. When I received Jesus in my heart I began to see things differently and began to experience things that I never had before. He guided me and challenged me to change in so many ways over the years. When I encountered more dark painful days He was the only way I could stand strong and move forward in peace and in joy. His joy never leaves me even in the darkest times. I know that my God is more powerful than anything that I can ever encounter in life. 

Where does my joy come from?

My value is now defined by Christ 

My hope is now found in the truth of his written word the Bible

I can pray in all things and know that the creator of the universe will always not only listen but He always works things for the good of those who love him. That doesn’t always mean it will happen how I want it or that it will make sense to me right away. It does however mean that no matter what I am facing I will never face it alone and he is my defender.

How you can also discover the same Joy

The reason I share this with you today is that I know we are living in crazy times that don’t always make sense. Money is tight, and many feel hopeless & desperately need joy. There is nothing else that I can provide you on my website that will bring you true joy, hope, and financial prosperity in a more powerful way than a relationship with Christ can. If you want to know what it means to have a relationship with Jesus Christ just like I do I will challenge you to say this prayer today.

A simple prayer is all it takes

Lord Jesus,

I thank you for dying for my sins. I accept you into my life today and I thank you for walking with me from this day forward.

Change me, Lord, fill me with your Spirit. In Jesus’s name.


If you prayed this prayer with me today I would love to hear from you. Please email me at SavingJoyfully@outlook.com. I would love to help you connect with a local church or ministry that can help you continue on this journey and get a bible to you. Please email me at this address and I will be in touch with you shortly with some resources to help you continue on this new journey.


A New Direction For Saving Joyfully
