
What do you do when you are feeling less than Joyful? What happens when Saving Joyfully becomes a negative Nelly? Is it true? Is it even possible? Absolutely!

Guess what? I am just like all of you! All of my friends and family who know me personally, know that I am not a positive, inspiring and joyful person all of the time. I am however determined to not allow that to become the reality of who I am.

You see being happy can effect being joyful only if you allow it to. I choose Joy for many reasons in my life. I choose Joy because I know that our world is filled with negativity and frustration. Our world, especially when we are burdened by debt and everything related to it, can be overwhelming and hopeless. I recognize that this is not the attitude that I want to reflect in my life.

So I choose to reflect Joy and positivity whenever I can. Joy is important because we only get one life to live and frankly you have the choice to embrace life and choose joy or allow life to burden you to the point you become an absolutely miserable person. I choose to not allow one more thing in my life to steal my joy, and although I am not perfect I have the choice of how I respond and what thoughts I allow to remain and what thoughts I chose to reflect on in my life.

Lately it has once again become a bit of a challenge for me as many of you can probably relate to. I am struggling with this Joy that I try to encourage in others all of the time. I am struggling to be joyful and reflect that in my own life and so I guess I figured now is the best time to confess this to you all.

But guess what? I will not allow it to overcome me! I will choose Joy despite the way I feel and do you know why? Because I can! It is I that determine my own destiny and my own attitude everyday, and I can choose to be Joyful in all circumstances.

I am human! I am Joyful but Joy is not something you inherit or are born with it is a daily struggle! It is even a struggle for Andrea Joy from Saving Joyfully.

The best ways I find to get back to the place I want to be and to find my Joy again are:

  1. Accept that I am human and that I am not perfect.

  2. Reflect on the things in my life that I am blessed with and remember that this place I am at right now is only temporary.

  3. Make a game plan for my future and dream of a better future no matter how hopeless the present may seem.

  4. Surround myself with the people that love and accept me for who I am.

  5. Be grateful for all the wonderful blessings in my life and when life is overwhelming as it often gets trust that tomorrow will be better.

  6. Pray or Meditate and release control of the things that are not yours to control. We are not meant to be perfect and no one expects you to be.

I guess I just wanted to give you a glimpse of the reality of being Joyful. Joy is real and it will change your life every time you choose to seek it. Yet you have to choose it often and sometimes it is a daily struggle to choose Joy.


