
Since I began my blog earlier this year I have seen and read many posts by other bloggers on how to make big money blogging. I think it is a great thing when a blogger can make money off of something they love doing. I love to help support other bloggers because I completely understand and relate to this dream of one day doing what you love as a profession. I wanted to share my honest opinion though so you can hear from my experience about making money as a beginning blogger. Blogging is absolutely not a great way to get rich quick. It can happen for some, but from what I have seen it rarely does. I will be happy to share my success story in the future, if I someday am able to successfully make a living off of blogging. Then you will know that it is completely possible for an average person like me, to successfully build a career as a blogger. Don't get me wrong though I do love blogging and I still believe in this dream of someday making a living doing what I love, which is blogging.

Blogging is pure joy to those who love writing and sharing their lives and the content they create with others.This joy can be a reason to keep blogging even if you are not making the money you may have expected when you first began your blog. So what exactly can a new blogger expect when starting a blog? I will be honest I still love blogging and have been blogging for over five months now. I have however not begun to make a living from blogging, I still work my full-time job along with running Saving Joyfully.

Don't get me wrong I do believe it is possible to make a living from blogging because I have either met people who have begun to, or heard plenty of stories from those who have. How do they do It? They give it everything they have and they work super hard to achieve a dream that they believe in and love. So despite the fact that I have not made my millions blogging, I do want to share with you a few great ways to make some money as a blogger. All of the ones I have listed below have already begun to earn me money, so I know it is possible to make some money.

1. Google Adsense-Google Adsense is one of the easiest ways to make money as a blogger, although it is very small if your traffic is low. You can probably expect as a new blogger to earn a few cents a day as you are first getting started. It can increase but it depends on traffic and the number of people who click on your ads when they visit your website. Keep in mind that some people do not like these ads, and some people will even complain. You will need to apply to become an Adsense affiliate and once you get accepted, they will give you a code that you will need to put in the HTML portion of your blog. Getting accepted may take a little while and you may even get turned down a few times. Make sure you have enough plenty of posts on your blog prior to applying, privacy policies in place as instructed and affiliate disclosures because they check for this.

2. Amazon Affiliate- I love shopping on Amazon and so do many other people. Amazon Affiliates can be a great option for beginning bloggers as well. You will not make a lot per sale with this either, but you can make a small amount and these small amounts, can add up overtime. You can add links to different things you have purchased and love in your posts, or create specific posts that actually suggest numerous products that you feel are of interest to your readers or that you would love to do a review on.

3. Bluehost-Bluehost webhosting is not something everyone will probably want to sell, but it can make you some money if you promote it. Selling hosting to other bloggers is something that does sell, because bloggers are often readers on a lot of blogs before they begin. Many bloggers like me start looking for advice from others on the best way to get started. I encourage you if you are going to sell it though to be honest and be straightforward about your experience. Don't create posts about how much you love any product just to sell it. Be honest about the ones you do love, and the ones you do not  as well. This way you are neither misleading others, or causing others to lose trust in you once they have their own experience with that product. We as bloggers are often called Influencers for a reason, because others look for reviews of products prior to purchasing to guarantee they aren't being scammed or mislead when purchasing.These are just my opinions on a few basic and easy ways for a beginning blogger to make some money blogging. These are my honest opinions on each of these avenues of monetization and what I would suggest to someone just starting out blogging. I personally like using all three but have in total made less than a few hundred since I began my blog with all three of these. If there is one thing I can say however about the value of blogging it is this, I have gained more friendships and connections worth more to me than the money I have made. I love being able to run my blog no matter how much I ever make from it, and I really feel that it is worthwhile to blog even if you make nothing.


